About Your Chakras &
Healing Stones
While meanings are shared for each stone, I invite you to research your stones thoroughly and assign each a meaning that speaks to you. Then set your intention, one stone at a time.

Photo by Christopher Crowe
Your 7 Chakras Healing Stones Set
Chakra 1 - The Crown Chakra is located at the top of your head and associated with the colors violet or white. The crown chakra houses your sense of spiritual connection, understanding of the world around you and unity with all living things. While clear quartz (a translucent, colorless stone) is most often linked with the crown chakra, it works across all chakras. Clear quartz can bring clarity of thought and purpose as well as overall healing and cleansing vibes.
Chakra 2 - The Third Eye Chakra is located between your eyebrows and is associated with the colors purple or deep blue. The third eye chakra is a powerhouse for your intuition, wisdom and imagination. Amethyst is a beautiful deep purple stone most often linked to the third eye, crown and etheric chakras. Working with an amethyst can sharpen your intuition, help you identify root causes, and help you to release addictions.
Chakra 3 - The Throat Chakra is associated with the color blue and is your center of speech, communication and self-expression. Amazonite is a calming light blue-green stone that works well with the throat and heart chakras to enhance the expression of your true thoughts & feelings and assist with setting boundaries.
Chakra 4 - The Heart Chakra is associated with the color green and is a home for love, joy and self-compassion. Rose quartz is a warm pink stone associated with the heart chakra that serves as a gentle reminder to love ourselves and others, seek harmony and work toward emotional healing.
Chakra 5 - The Solar Plexus Chakra is located across your rib cage and associated with the color yellow. The solar plexus chakra is the seat for your energy, self-esteem and confidence. Tiger eye is a unique stone with intriguing gold and brown stripes that works with the solar plexus, sacral and root chakras to bring balance between extremes, boost physical action and promote vitality.
Chakra 6 - The Sacral Chakra is located below the navel and associated with the color orange. The sacral chakra is your keystone for passion, creativity, and emotions. Carnelian is a rich stone with orange hues that works to promote your creativity, sense of courage and passion within your sacral, root and solar plexus chakras.
Chakra 7 - The Root Chakra is located at the base of your spine, associated with the color red. The root chakra is the foundation of your sense of stability, security and physical identity. Red Jasper is a gorgeous deep red and gold stone associated with the root and sacral chakras that can bring forth physical strength, discipline, and stabilization of your energy.
Your Love Stones
A deep dive into your Heart Chakra - a home for love, joy and self-compassion often associated with the colors green and pink.
Balancing Matters of the Heart - Rose Quartz- Anchoring your Love Stones is the warm pink Rose Quartz that serves as a gentle reminder to love ourselves and others, seek harmony and work toward emotional healing.
Getting You to the Heart of the Matter - Amazonite - This calming blue-green stone can awaken a sense of compassion, act as a truth teller in unclear situations, and draw opposing parties to peace.
Making Space For Love To Grow - Aquamarine - Aquamarine is an opaque white stone that brings forth a sense of calm, cools inflammation & inflammatory thoughts, and helps one release old patterns so that you can make space for love to grow.